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Showdown OVR Increase bringing new token type?


All-Star 1
Damn. I just read this thread as if it were new. I’ve got 20 “foam fingers” and sold all my plat Elevate tokens and was about to stroke out. I’m an idiot. Breathe .....
Maybe a little premature on the Elevate Plat tokens though...
I dont understand why do they have to do these periodic updates.. from oct to sep.. just let the card progress monthly by one ovr..
Can never figure out why they dont follow thru on so many promising programs....
I couldnt agree more. Programs this year have been complete doo doo! It began with them destroying my favourite, legends. I haven't finished a legend player set in months. Last season I had a new legend player or 2 every week. All this forced waiting has really killed everything other than campaigns. Progression has been painfully slow and I gave up on SD masters.


All-Star 1
I couldnt agree more. Programs this year have been complete doo doo! It began with them destroying my favourite, legends. I haven't finished a legend player set in months. Last season I had a new legend player or 2 every week. All this forced waiting has really killed everything other than campaigns. Progression has been painfully slow and I gave up on SD masters.
Ha.....SD......biggest crash & burn all season. They had us grinding the hell out of SD, everyone was competing back when 85 Curry & Masked Kyrie were rewards. Then Brian decided to "Put some work into making it better" and the ship went down..... Waste of time after that. I was in top 100 one week......spent serious time & effort on it. Bah, these guys always seem to find a way to kill what works and give us stuff that nobody needs
This has been the season with the most legends & old players cards. 90% of them out of the legends sets, but i dont mind at all.

I've used a lot


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