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Need advice for the lineup


Rookie 1
Can take one of fan favorites players with 50 tokens i have so need suggestion for what should I go with (think to take PF position with boost maybe 109 KG or 109 Karl Malone since my gasol stuck on 109 no 110)

There is my lineup,

Thanks in advance ~
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Rookie 1
If I was you I'd use PowerUp token for C Yao cuz your center on the bench is 104 and that won't help in your way to 110, so a nice 107 defensive style center for free would be the best option.
Going that way you can keep all 5 defensive players to get max boost from your item with nice +3 upgrade for center card at bench in the run to 110 (without losing any coins) and then buy another player for one of the 4 other positions than C at AH (the one you like/want the most, if you have coins to spend).. but if you want spend more than 3M at AH then I reccomend 108 players only, it's not worth to spend more than 3M for 107 players right now.


Rookie 1
If I was you I'd use PowerUp token for C Yao cuz your center on the bench is 104 and that won't help in your way to 110, so a nice 107 defensive style center for free would be the best option.
Going that way you can keep all 5 defensive players to get max boost from your item with nice +3 upgrade for center card at bench in the run to 110 (without losing any coins) and then buy another player for one of the 4 other positions than C at AH (the one you like/want the most, if you have coins to spend).. but if you want spend more than 3M at AH then I reccomend 108 players only, it's not worth to spend more than 3M for 107 players right now.

Great suggestion, thanks.
Yeah will go with yao C position before the sets exchange going expired today.
yeah i have coins to spend, but don't know will go with who at AH.


All-Star 1
I'd go with Yao at PG for bench. He gives you +4 def boost and gives you another player that matches your Boost item so you'll have more flexibility in replacing players & keeping Max boost. You'll eventually get to 110 in the next month so don't worry about replacing Gobert right now. Keep his boost. Save your coins. Another promo is around the corner and tons of new FB, GOTW, and Legend cards will drop on August 12th, all 107 & higher


Pro 1
If you have coins then PG Yao with 107 Ben Wallace gives you +7 OBD which is one of the best if not the best boosts in the game and gives you a nice overall boost. However if you went with C Yao then GT Bol is a great staple for the bench in 110 teams.


Rookie 1
I'd go with Yao at PG for bench. He gives you +4 def boost and gives you another player that matches your Boost item so you'll have more flexibility in replacing players & keeping Max boost. You'll eventually get to 110 in the next month so don't worry about replacing Gobert right now. Keep his boost. Save your coins. Another promo is around the corner and tons of new FB, GOTW, and Legend cards will drop on August 12th, all 107 & higher

Thanks for suggestion, I already claim yao C before the sets exchange expired.
Hope next promo have defensive master so will go with.
yeah will save my coins now, maybe should spend later when the price of 107 with boost fall down so can replace some of my 106 bench into 107.


Rookie 1
If you have coins then PG Yao with 107 Ben Wallace gives you +7 OBD which is one of the best if not the best boosts in the game and gives you a nice overall boost. However if you went with C Yao then GT Bol is a great staple for the bench in 110 teams.

Thanks for suggestion,
oh great so we can got 110 OVR team with 106 player bench boost (GT Bol) ?
I think I should replace all of my 106 bench into 107 with team boost.


Pro 1
Thanks for suggestion,
oh great so we can got 110 OVR team with 106 player bench boost (GT Bol) ?
I think I should replace all of my 106 bench into 107 with team boost.

Bol is interchangeable with GT Bron, but for 110 I believe you need both Bol/Bron and Wilt if you don’t have the 107 Admiral.


All-Star 1
You don't really have any great options if you want to keep your starters and keep Max coach boost. I would start by buying Fools Court. It's super cheap and boosts the most out of all the courts.

If you get Westbrook and Ayton maxed, you may be there. But you could buy 108 Vince and 108 Klay, using Vince for bench. That would boost you a lot and keep your coach boost maxed. Not a lot of other def players out there. You I could buy 107 Rose for bench but he's still pricey.


Rookie 1
You don't really have any great options if you want to keep your starters and keep Max coach boost. I would start by buying Fools Court. It's super cheap and boosts the most out of all the courts.

If you get Westbrook and Ayton maxed, you may be there. But you could buy 108 Vince and 108 Klay, using Vince for bench. That would boost you a lot and keep your coach boost maxed. Not a lot of other def players out there. You I could buy 107 Rose for bench but he's still pricey.

Already have that court.

Yep will try to reach 109 westbrook or 108 is fine but not sure can reach him as soon as possible for ayton with boost sure can get him before end of the promo.
Should I buy him (108 Carter) ? How about I just buy Klay for starter and keep my 107 Carter to bench then buy 107 walt since yep 107 rose still pricey so then I can replace 106 PG with 107 penny for keep my coach boost maxed.
Do you think it will bring me to 110 ?


All-Star 1
Already have that court.

Yep will try to reach 109 westbrook or 108 is fine but not sure can reach him as soon as possible for ayton with boost sure can get him before end of the promo.
Should I buy him (108 Carter) ? How about I just buy Klay for starter and keep my 107 Carter to bench then buy 107 walt since yep 107 rose still pricey so then I can replace 106 PG with 107 penny for keep my coach boost maxed.
Do you think it will bring me to 110 ?
Idk, seems like 108 Carter would make more sense since he boosts to 110. Your SG spot is up 3 OVR pts if you have Carter at 110 and Klay at 109. Add in Ayton and you may get there. If not, add Nash and you should have it. I wouldn't mess with Walt. Yao give a solid boost in that spot. I'd keep it simple and go with higher OVR players, don't go lower bc they have more stat boosts


Rookie 1
RotB Rose has come down in price a lot. So has 107 Frazier, who's also a 107 Defensive PG with +3 boost.

Yeah the price of they really fall down also the other 107 cards with boost and ability as well 108 cards too.
I dont know how you have the time. I get bored with one account. I just cant repeat the same events over and over on multiple. It made sense when we could move coins to our main account but after they changed that I gotta ask what's the benefit?


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