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How much nba cash u have f2p?


Rookie 3
Just curious to know how much nba cash f2p guys have
Currently I have 1900 nba cash I spent around a 1000 nba cash this season
But I'm not spending more nba cash now
I'm saving all for S4 so I get a good start next season
I should have around 3000 or more when S4 starts


Rookie 3
I have around 1600 nba cash but i am buying at least one pass a month and an occasional 200 to 500 store purchases (started my new accounts around december i think). You should have more if you are completing daily objectives.


Rookie 1
I always spend mines, I wait until I have 700 NBA cash to purchase the Court Pass. It allows me to also max out every Monthly Master. Besides that I don't use it on anything.


Rookie 1
I have 6500 totally F2P, but to be fair, I took around 2K free cash from the last season. I didn't buy the court pass for Dr.J., but previously I'd buy them. And I'll get 500 more cash today with the Lakeshow promo, so safe to say 7000 cash F2P.


Rookie 1
I always spend mines, I wait until I have 700 NBA cash to purchase the Court Pass. It allows me to also max out every Monthly Master. Besides that I don't use it on anything.
I think buying the 2for 1 (10 elite token) pack for 200cash everyday towards the end of the campaign is way cheaper and better
Last season I didn't spend any of the free cash and with ads giving cash instead of stamina at the beginning I ended up with 19k for free at the end. This season I've spent over 3k and currently have 800 left.


All-Star 1
I don't.. Lol barely got enough time to use up all the stamina I'm getting
Max stamina is 6x the 75 stamina promo event. At about 30 sec per (depending on the event), that's a whopping 3 min to deplete full stamina. Do that 4-5 times per day (if you're getting double ads) and you're up to an astounding 15 mins of gameplay. Now trade off some of the promo events for Daily Objectives, SD, lvl and you might be up to a solid 1 hr of gameplay per day. Time is definitely not the issue here...


Rookie 1
I think buying the 2for 1 (10 elite token) pack for 200cash everyday towards the end of the campaign is way cheaper and better
Not really, you get two extra objectives a day not including 200 stamina and 10 tokens a day. In the long run you get more collectibles than just buying 200 NBA Cash packs. You also get 10 elites collectibles and 200 stamina on the time of purchase.


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