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how can i get to 109


Rookie 1
grind the current event, get a 105 master (maybe 105 Duncan or 105 Magic).
And get the free Embiid up to at least 104 man..why you don't have him i do't understand. He is free, up to 106 OVR and he has boost and ability :)


Rookie 3
grind the current event, get a 105 master (maybe 105 Duncan or 105 Magic).
And get the free Embiid up to at least 104 man..why you don't have him i do't understand. He is free, up to 106 OVR and he has boost and ability :)
i will get 104 embiid in 2 days and i have already grinded the current event thats how i got 2 potg
To increase your ovr always start by replacing the lowest ovr players on your team with a higher ovr card. Start with Klay since his on your main line-up then your bench center. The 101s are holding you back.


Rookie 3

I have a 105 ovr lineup now and 1.8 million coins can get upto 2.5 million if sell my bench I wanna get to 107 will settle for 106 also but any suggestions which players to remove and which one to get to increase the ovr


All-Star 3

I have a 105 ovr lineup now and 1.8 million coins can get upto 2.5 million if sell my bench I wanna get to 107 will settle for 106 also but any suggestions which players to remove and which one to get to increase the ovr
Put a pick of ur lineup
Easiest way I think would be to get the 104 players of the current promo and a platinum double boost coach.


All-Star 1
Gasol < Kidd < Malone < Draymond is the order I would work on replacing players. There will be a bunch of the DPOY and ROY players in AH, look for those as replacements.


Rookie 1
Sell westbrook and curry, replace with 106 lin and 107 jerry or 106 harden (they are shooting gameplay so it will help you to got max matching with your magic dragon coach)


Rookie 1
This my secondary account lineup,
I use magic dragon coach too.
Try to copy your lineup for help but the players I have same with you just Ming, PG, Baylor and larry but my larry with boost and ability one.



Besides replace westbrook, curry and embiid.
I think the problem one is your larry without boost because you already have Ray (one card without boost on starters enough so have two of them not help for reach 109 OVR especially with Baylor there, you can keep them both (Ray and Larry) in the starters but you need buy 107 point guard with boost I think.
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Rookie 2
Maybe useless. But try click the best lineup button.
There was once my best lineup even tho it's the exact same players (and same boost) gave me a higher overall


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