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110 lineup thread


All-Star 1
Here ya go, I found it. Looks like if you put Yao on your bench and get Sexton or high ovr PG you will make it.
View attachment 2003
Damn you EA and your Mad Scientist mathematics! I still can't do it. Didn't wanna spend coin on Olajuwon or the time it takes to snipe tokens since he's not auctionable.

I got 107 Penny. Just need 107 Duncan to max my boost and I think I can make it. That's if I can't snag a Ghost KD. Been fun trying though!


All-Star 3
Damn you EA and your Mad Scientist mathematics! I still can't do it. Didn't wanna spend coin on Olajuwon or the time it takes to snipe tokens since he's not auctionable.

I got 107 Penny. Just need 107 Duncan to max my boost and I think I can make it. That's if I can't snag a Ghost KD. Been fun trying though!
View attachment 2004
Same here.. with double boost embiid and admiral.. so changing centre anyway out of the question..
The no kawhi/hakeem/ghost lineup is what I'm looking for lol...


Pro 1
Sure looks like boost from starters is affecting Team OVR.
I won’t add a screenshot but my AI lineup has Luka on the bench at 108, and if I put in West over him at 109, the lineup goes from 110 to 109. So frustrating. Ended up way overpaying for GT Melo (2.6m) because I was so pissed off lol.


Pro 1
Wow the fact that with Hakeem, Kawhi, GTs, & Ghosts that line up stays at 109 then I have no hope until they release 108s. It really makes no sense!
I was easily 110 with Rose but I really wanted to use 105 Westbrook in my 110 lineup. GT Melo will do until a new Westbrook comes out.

If you look at my other screenshots. I was 110 without GT LeBron or Markkanen.


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