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Previous monthly masters question


Rookie 1
From what I understand, it's no longer possible to complete Monthly Masters Embiid and Curry? I feel that this wasn't clearly indicated by EA, as I recall that previous monthly masters expired when the new one came out. The timer on the set, while consistent with keeping sets open for a few days after the event expires, isn't contiguous with what we've come to know based on the earlier masters, right?

Basically, I'm annoyed that I'm 29 tokens away from 106 Curry and thought that I'd have a few more days to finish him up, and now I'm stuck with useless tokens which can't even be used for the new master, including the wildcard tokens. Feels like typical EA bait-and-switch to me.


Rookie 1
Hmm..you should have spent a little money to get the rest 29 tokens..now its gonna turn garbage..you should have checked the duration left on the campaign itself


Rookie 1
Hmm..you should have spent a little money to get the rest 29 tokens..now its gonna turn garbage..you should have checked the duration left on the campaign itself

You're probably right - if I would have known I would have used a weekly pass for 700 cash. Was there actually a timer on the campaign itself? There probably was on the actual campaign page, but I don't recall paying it much attention.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
You're probably right - if I would have known I would have used a weekly pass for 700 cash. Was there actually a timer on the campaign itself? There probably was on the actual campaign page, but I don't recall paying it much attention.
Yes the campaign timer never changed
If they're going to keep the sets up then why not have special offers to complete them? Seems like they're wasting an opportunity to make money.


Pro 2
Speaking of MM, if you check the last two sets for 108 Carter, they are identical. EA messed up with the second to last - it should just be the boost, with the last adding the ability. Instead it has the boost + ability. That saves 100 tokens. Ssssshhhhhhhh 🤫

Edit - i buried this on an unrelated thread on purpose. But, you have to know that Reddit will f### it up.
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Speaking of MM, if you check the last two sets for 108 Carter, they are identical. EA messed up with the second to last - it should just be the boost, with the last adding the ability. Instead it has the boost + ability. That saves 100 tokens. Ssssshhhhhhhh 🤫
The 2nd one has double ITP the 1st has single


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Aaahhhh. Gotcha. It begs the question — Who would buy 100 tokens (it would require buying) to get double ITP? Not even I would, which says a lot. lol
Especially on a non-bigman which means the ITP is useless for AI


Rookie 1
If they're going to keep the sets up then why not have special offers to complete them? Seems like they're wasting an opportunity to make money.
They did and it screwed me the other way. There was a pop up offer to buy 150 wildcard tokens for a cash amount....I'm in Canada and believe here it was $20.99. I didn't need them for these sets and was thinking of banking them for the next master instead I'm stuck with garbage and spent real $$$ on it....a disclaimer would have been nice indicating they weren't useable beyond this month....only saw comments to that end after the fact.

I'm still holding out faint hope after the Curry and Embiid sets expire they might add an exchange set say 10-1 or even 25-1 for wildcards to these new Carter time tokens to make the situation right
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Rookie 1
Wrt to the double on Carter the first one is activated immediately....or at least it was in the event I played where you are loaned the fully loaded one.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
They did and it screwed me the other way. There was a pop up offer to buy 150 wildcard tokens for a cash amount....I'm in Canada and believe here it was $20.99. I didn't need them for these sets and was thinking of banking them for the next master instead I'm stuck with garbage and spent real $$$ on it....a disclaimer would have been nice indicating they weren't useable beyond this month....only saw comments to that end after the fact.

I'm still holding out faint hope after the Curry and Embiid sets expire they might add an exchange set say 10-1 or even 25-1 for wildcards to these new Carter time tokens to make the situation right
To be fair it was said that we couldn't use them several days ago and it was posted all over this site


Rookie 1
To be fair it was said that we couldn't use them several days ago and it was posted all over this site
Which was AFTER I had bought the pack. It was an early offer that popped up in the awards campaign (first day I believe) basically as soon as the +2 boost sets came up


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Which was AFTER I had bought the pack. It was an early offer that popped up in the awards campaign (first day I believe) basically as soon as the +2 boost sets came up
It popped up when you hit a certain milestone yeah I know the offer you're talking about the but depending on the amount of grinding the news of no wildcards this month or next was before that offer came up (only heavy grinders, people that bought Magic, or the people that bought MVP votes would have gotten the offer before then) they shouldn't have called them wildcards if they were exactly like the UA cards which is exactly what I said to Jenny when she broke that news


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