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Here in my progress so far

Finals promo, reminds me of MM, it’s lit so far. First day, so far so good. I chose d wade, just because I need a shooting guard but I am a fan. Here is my progress. I am no money spent. Comment your progress down below and comment how far I can go no money spent for this promo



NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
how about u stop? what's wrong wirh ftp players? i just wanna check in on you guys' progress, thats all
I think his point is it creates an unnecessary label to separate players like bringing up race in every conversation that's this game's version of it
I think his point is it creates an unnecessary label to separate players like bringing up race in every conversation that's this game's version of it
dude, i just wanna check in on yall's progress and discuss this promo, thats all. nothung gangster. obviously mpney spent players will get them quicker but like i wanna know how ftp players like me can do it. no issues, all good


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
dude, i just wanna check in on yall's progress and discuss this promo, thats all. nothung gangster. obviously mpney spent players will get them quicker but like i wanna know how ftp players like me can do it. no issues, all good
I'm curious about the gangster comment but I was just giving explanation on why they may have disliked the multiple references to F2P in the thread starting post because if I'm gonna be honest it's a very annoying phrase used to describe people like calling yourself F2P is annoying but asking how far you can get without spending money is a different story so I see where Asif is coming from because some people treat spending money on a game they enjoy as a bad thing which is why they call themselves F2P players

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Its more about playing "smart" with AH,sets,SD and saving bonus packs and lvl packs than creating a F2P and cash players unecessary debate,at the end of the day your money your choice...my money my choice...enjoy the game🍺


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Its more about playing "smart" with AH,sets,SD and saving bonus packs and lvl packs than creating a F2P and cash players unecessary debate,at the end of the day your money your choice...my money my choice...enjoy the game🍺
That's my point and the point of many players it creates an unnecessary divide between players we have enough problems with the game no need to get on to a community and see constant judgement for what you choose to do obviously it's not worth it to spend 1000s a year no matter what but some do but judging those for spending a little money seems to be constant on places like Reddit


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Btw I don't want to ostracize you and I think we should move on to the topic at hand all that's needs to be said was said and I think you should be able to complete a master all the way to their ability and at least 1 POTG
I'm curious about the gangster comment but I was just giving explanation on why they may have disliked the multiple references to F2P in the thread starting post because if I'm gonna be honest it's a very annoying phrase used to describe people like calling yourself F2P is annoying but asking how far you can get without spending money is a different story so I see where Asif is coming from because some people treat spending money on a game they enjoy as a bad thing which is why they call themselves F2P players
Well, that gangsta comment is random but anyways I just wanted to ask how far I can go no money spent, that’s all
Btw I don't want to ostracize you and I think we should move on to the topic at hand all that's needs to be said was said and I think you should be able to complete a master all the way to their ability and at least 1 POTG
Thanks, stewie. The new siakam is out, I’m thinking if I should get him or not for now I will continue to complete the wade set


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks, stewie. The new siakam is out, I’m thinking if I should get him or not for now I will continue to complete the wade set
The POTGs are always the best near the end of the series so hold off on building towards any of them any time soon


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