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What changes when it comes to next season?


Rookie 1
I have been playing this game for about two month. I dont know this game yet. What changes when it come to next season?
Player,level,chas,coin ..etc
is every thing reset?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Everything is reset except your NBA cash you will be able to use your final lineup in mostly useless legacy events next season and you will get rewarded with tickets for what you did this season that can be used on packs when you first open the game next season


Rookie 1
Everything is reset except your NBA cash you will be able to use your final lineup in mostly useless legacy events next season and you will get rewarded with tickets for what you did this season that can be used on packs when you first open the game next season
When will this game start about next season? Thanks for your reply My english is not good


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
When will this game start about next season? Thanks for your reply My english is not good
It can start as early as September or as late as November depending in how slow EA is ti get it "ready" because no matter what it will bring a slew of brand new bugs because they are horrible at testing new things


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