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Upgrading NBA Center


Rookie 1
I have Easter Deandre Jordan boosted to 94 ovr. A damn solid budget card imo, which actually for me was free because I got lucky and got it from some Easter pack. :)

I have around $6M and wondering what next...

I see 97 ovr Markkanen has awesome shooting and rebound stats but actually a few points lower when it comes to on-ball defense. This is a stretch financially, though. May not be possible and will bankrupt me if it is.

Also looking at 98 NBA Awards Gobert. Strong defense, block, passing...bit of a trade down on rebounding..

Last, was thinking of 97 Showdown Cousins..all around solid but again a bit lower on defense and rebounding..

And of course, everyone is a step down compared to Deandre when it comes to Agility and Speed...

Thoughts? Someone else worth looking at?


All-Star 3
Lauri is the best bet .. but I don't think u shd break ur bank.. makes more sense to spend the coin on gobert for the higher ovr and I think abt 3 mill less coin... Gobert isn't great at rebounding though..
If ur upto it.. mutumbo is ur best option
Cheap option totw Lauri..


Pro 1
Max out TOTW Markkanen. Trust me, you?ll see a whole new perspective.

Rather, considering you have the Easter Jordan, you could try to get Fireworks Dwight Howard and max him. He has phenomenal stats.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Max out TOTW Markkanen. Trust me, you?ll see a whole new perspective.

Rather, considering you have the Easter Jordan, you could try to get Fireworks Dwight Howard and max him. He has phenomenal stats.

I use the TOTW Markkanen maxed and can send this.

Great card.


Rookie 1
Thank you for all the thoughts! Read them all carefully. It's helpful. Isn't TOTW Markannen PF? I need Center specifically.. I've invested heavily in my Specialist Porzingis for PF. Otherwise, yeah that card looks great (same with the Sig, slept on that one).

I'm keeping my eye on 97 Mutombo and maybr Dwight...the 93 does have great stats, and not that OVR is the only thing, but I do at this stage wish for someone I could upgrade even further if they will be an elite instrad of platinum.

But damn...I really want that Markannen platinum center card. :). But alas, I'm too poor right now.
Recently. I have used UL Dwight, Playmaker Turner and Fireworks Dwight all maxed to 99-100 OVR. To me, this makes more sense than using a platinum that I likely won't train. A lot of the new platinums have rubbish stats as well.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thank you for all the thoughts! Read them all carefully. It's helpful. Isn't TOTW Markannen PF? I need Center specifically.. I've invested heavily in my Specialist Porzingis for PF. Otherwise, yeah that card looks great (same with the Sig, slept on that one).

I'm keeping my eye on 97 Mutombo and maybr Dwight...the 93 does have great stats, and not that OVR is the only thing, but I do at this stage wish for someone I could upgrade even further if they will be an elite instrad of platinum.

But damn...I really want that Markannen platinum center card. :). But alas, I'm too poor right now.

92 (TOTW) Markkanen is a C


Rookie 1
Ah, I see TOTW Markannen now... i can see that working out well when trained. Might do it. Rudy feels like an expensive dish that looks good but is just going to leave me hungry. Getting that rebounding beyond 90 will be so expensive. And anyways, good Dwight, Mutombo, and Lauri will all leave me flat broke if I manage to get them.

Getting really intrigued by Fireworks Dwight now. Only thing I wish was a bit better on-ball defense out of the gate, but that would be solid maxed. I've got 4 90+ 3-point shooters already. Anyone have any experience with Fireworks Dwight's AI?


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