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Welcome to the new site!


Rookie 1
Staff member
Hi all, I want to be the first to welcome everyone to our new site. We have rehomed on Xenforo 2.1!

Please take the time to check out the features. Some of it is very familiar, whereas others may be new to us.

New shiny toys:
1. An easier to read PM inbox (with working email notifications!)
2. A new mobile responsive site
3. Light and dark themes for your enjoyment
4. Reactions for each post and reputation points tied to it
5. All the latest and greatest embedded content (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram [photo and video!], and much more)

Let us know if you have any questions!


All-Star 1
There's some good things going on .... I really like that you can click the lightning bolt up top & see all the new activity


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Looks awesome so far. We can now like posts, nice! And attach files directly without imgur, me likey:)🤜🤜 View attachment 751
Attaching files directly was already something possible any picture with an attachment border was uploaded directly (defaulted to the bottom of the post when done that way) you could also get rid of that border and put the picture at any spot by uploading to this site then putting the link directly into a certain spot into the post that's something I did a lot in the old format
Attaching files directly was already something possible any picture with an attachment border was uploaded directly (defaulted to the bottom of the post when done that way) you could also get rid of that border and put the picture at any spot by uploading to this site then putting the link directly into a certain spot into the post that's something I did a lot in the old format
Lol I didn't know that, I always used imgur. So that's what those pics with borders were.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I want to thank you for all the hard work it's nice to have more people with insight to site and forum building besides just Aram because I have no idea what I'm doing in that regard all the new additions are great and push notifications work for me


Rookie 1
Staff member
Looking good fellas!

Also, how do I add that Thumbs Up sign that I see in some posts?

Hey, you can "thumbs up" by pressing the "Like" next to the reply button on the bottom right-hand corner of each post you want to react to. If you hold the "Like" button, you'll see all the available reactions like you do on Facebook.


Rookie 1
Hey, you can "thumbs up" by pressing the "Like" next to the reply button on the bottom right-hand corner of each post you want to react to. If you hold the "Like" button, you'll see all the available reactions like you do on Facebook.

Thanks! I can't seem to find that option - maybe it's mobile-only? When I click on reply I get the standard reply template.


Rookie 1
Staff member
Thanks! I can't seem to find that option - maybe it's mobile-only? When I click on reply I get the standard reply template.
Thanks! I can't seem to find that option - maybe it's mobile-only? When I click on reply I get the standard reply template.

It's on both desktop and mobile. The only caveat is that you can't "Like" your own post. You must go to another person's post to find the "Like" option on the bottom right-hand corner.

See how on my own post, I can't "like" it?


But when I go to your post, I can press "Like" on it:


Hope this helps!


Rookie 1
Staff member
Update about our "Like" button policy: New members joining our community after Monday, March 25th will be subjected to this new restriction. We ask that new users have contributed 5 posts to the community before earning the ability to "like" or react to posts. This is to ensure that our members enjoy the benefits of being a contributor, and for new members to sign up to join our community. That, and we want to limit spammers from abusing such a privilege.

If you are an existing member, you are already grandfathered in and can freely like without restrictions. This policy only applies to brand new members.

Please ask us any questions you may have.


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