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What are your focuses for Harvest?


Rookie 1
What are you trying to achieve with the Harvest promo at the moment?(Curry, Harvest Drive master, etc)
I'm currently trying to get as many Black Friday tokens as possible.
My focus on my main account is Curry since I already have Masked Kyrie on my alt. If I can get Curry to an 85 he?ll be good enough to start but I?m hoping to get him to at least an 87. I currently have him at 83.

On my alt, my plan was to go for Tatum but right now I?m just concentrating on building Porter.

I sold a Steve Smith for 150k but I can?t see prices staying that high.


Rookie 1
Whoops....just realized that you get BF tokens for almost anything you do... I'll try to fill some of my weak positions. Ultimate goal is Tatum.
I'd like to get Curry as high OVR as possible. What I actually have been doing is playing the Turkey blitz event in the mutombo campaign because I imagine they will fix it one of these days. Has anyone else noticed that the refs are invisible? Cracks me up.
I'd like to get Curry as high OVR as possible. What I actually have been doing is playing the Turkey blitz event in the mutombo campaign because I imagine they will fix it one of these days. Has anyone else noticed that the refs are invisible? Cracks me up.
If your focus is Curry why are you playing the Mutombo turkey event? Shouldn't you be grinding the Curry blitz event? That event is glitched, when it comes to events where stopping the other team from scoring usually the ball starts with the other team on offense. I just hold on to the ball and don't cross half court until the time runs out, by far the easiest event.
I couldn?t believe my eyes when I saw people telling Brian the event is broken, and needs fixing? WHAT? I?m not perfect but some have even managed to lose the event! I mean, I guess I could see a situation where you start it, it tells you to defend, but you realize you have the ball with little time and are losing so maybe you figure you need to score to win so you try to score quickly, fail to score and also allow them to score. So much has to happen to lose that event lol.

Now that mashed potatoes event is a different story with all the possible ways you can get cheese?d in this game. That one would be good to have a 2nd or 3rd attempt. I had no problem with it yesterday, but today?s been different.


All-Star 3
I couldn?t believe my eyes when I saw people telling Brian the event is broken, and needs fixing? WHAT? I?m not perfect but some have even managed to lose the event! I mean, I guess I could see a situation where you start it, it tells you to defend, but you realize you have the ball with little time and are losing so maybe you figure you need to score to win so you try to score quickly, fail to score and also allow them to score. So much has to happen to lose that event lol.

Now that mashed potatoes event is a different story with all the possible ways you can get cheese?d in this game. That one would be good to have a 2nd or 3rd attempt. I had no problem with it yesterday, but today?s been different.
Josh had a video where he had success driving into the paint.. been trying that.. surprisingly easy to get to the basket..


All-Star 1
I couldn?t believe my eyes when I saw people telling Brian the event is broken, and needs fixing? WHAT? I?m not perfect but some have even managed to lose the event! I mean, I guess I could see a situation where you start it, it tells you to defend, but you realize you have the ball with little time and are losing so maybe you figure you need to score to win so you try to score quickly, fail to score and also allow them to score. So much has to happen to lose that event lol.

Now that mashed potatoes event is a different story with all the possible ways you can get cheese?d in this game. That one would be good to have a 2nd or 3rd attempt. I had no problem with it yesterday, but today?s been different.
Josh had a video where he had success driving into the paint.. been trying that.. surprisingly easy to get to the basket..
I've had a couple where I miss the first shot, let them score and then score on the next one. I also think driving is the way to go. If I get stopped on the drive, then I take a couple steps back to get open and shoot a midrange shot. Been pretty successful thus far.


All-Star 1
I couldn?t believe my eyes when I saw people telling Brian the event is broken, and needs fixing? WHAT? I?m not perfect but some have even managed to lose the event! I mean, I guess I could see a situation where you start it, it tells you to defend, but you realize you have the ball with little time and are losing so maybe you figure you need to score to win so you try to score quickly, fail to score and also allow them to score. So much has to happen to lose that event lol.

Now that mashed potatoes event is a different story with all the possible ways you can get cheese?d in this game. That one would be good to have a 2nd or 3rd attempt. I had no problem with it yesterday, but today?s been different.
Josh had a video where he had success driving into the paint.. been trying that.. surprisingly easy to get to the basket..
I've had a couple where I miss the first shot, let them score and then score on the next one. I also think driving is the way to go. If I get stopped on the drive, then I take a couple steps back to get open and shoot a midrange shot. Been pretty successful thus far.

Yep, I've been running around trying to get enough space to trigger dunk animations and I haven't lost. Easiest way to go IMO. Or drive in & back up for a short fadeaway. Though I almost lost one bc I took Terry around the side of the key for a layup & Porzingis came out of nowhere to swat it into a defenders hands. Luckily they hit a quick 3 & I went back down for a dunk with a second left.
I was like 6/6 (did a couple extra other than first wins) all from just going to that good ole bottom right corner with Westbrook. Usually was an open shot, and usually had perfect release. Wake up today and it's like they had a scouting report and played the corner tight, even switched Giannis on me a couple times lol. :shock: :shock:


Rookie 1
I want a balanced pg, but I was recommended to not get 83 john wall and since 90 ovr costs 500 bf tokens.. holiday promo cant come fast enough


Rookie 2
josh has an excellent video on yotube 4ktosh about how to do this promo with math in the description. i think has has zero thumbs down still lol.


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Curry and any heroes that I can build to sell using just the 1st win bonuses, the daily coin pack, and the free bonus packs


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