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didnt got the reward for being in top 7500


All-Star 1
You had to have finished in Legend tier (1.5m fans)

No one who ends up top 10,000 is going to be legend...
I finished 2366th and had superstar-2 with 1,055,000 fans.

So this is just an EA misleading rip-off!

I'd agree with you if you weren't on this forum. It has been stated numerous times since SD premiered last season that you have to reach Legend to get the end of season reward (e.g. Top 1000, 2500 etc).

Tough luck but I think this is much better. Last season if you weren't in Top 1000 then you didn't get any reward either. Yes, the grind to Legend is difficult especially if you're not in the top 3 OVR's (i.e. 83, 84 or 85) but they are giving you a high rated card for your efforts.
You had to have finished in Legend tier (1.5m fans)

No one who ends up top 10,000 is going to be legend...
I finished 2366th and had superstar-2 with 1,055,000 fans.

So this is just an EA misleading rip-off!

I'd agree with you if you weren't on this forum. It has been stated numerous times since SD premiered last season that you have to reach Legend to get the end of season reward (e.g. Top 1000, 2500 etc).

Tough luck but I think this is much better. Last season if you weren't in Top 1000 then you didn't get any reward either. Yes, the grind to Legend is difficult especially if you're not in the top 3 OVR's (i.e. 83, 84 or 85) but they are giving you a high rated card for your efforts.

At the end of the day, I still think they should just cut the crap and simply make a note where visible that Legend is required or remove the Legend requirement. You shouldn't have to be a member of this forum, or search thru tweets Brian has replied to (he didn't even tweet it out, his tweet about it was a reply to someone asking lol). It would save many players a lot of trouble, and will save EA a lot of trouble from the inevitable onslaught of people confused as to why they didn't receive a reward for being in the top 10K (as stated on the home screen & SD screen).

As for the actual rewards, yes, it is definitely better, but it's still 1.5M fans in 7 days which is...ridiculous. Now, if 1.5M in 7 days is what it takes to stay in the top 1000, that's a different story and you deserve the reward. If I finish with 1.4 M, probably enough for top 1000 but definitely top 2500, it's silly that you get basically nothing aside from the rep.

I don't even have a dog in this fight (this week, at least) but just calling it how I see it. I have gone into every week that I plan to compete with the goal that I'll need 220K + a day.


Pro 1
They could do a better a job at highlighting that legend is a requirement for rewards so you could anticipate that topics like this would come.

But legend has been a requirement for rewards since the launch of showdown. And this week it was confirmed it would continue to be a requirement so... it seems some folks have been distracted the whole time xD


Rookie 1
Yea need to finish off final tier which is 1.5mil fans, tho I believe EA needs to scratch that completely because more so abit over 1.5m fans is top tier reward anyway.


Rookie 2
Thanks guys.
Maybe I should have read the forum better, but I think it was not clear enough in the game itself.

Making legend in 7 days is about 20 to 22 games a day if you have 70 percent success.
To me personally, as I believe for most players it is simply too much.
In S2 when seasons were 14 days each I used to make legend almost every time.

When EA put this legend mandatory it basically means all rewards other than the 1st are simply not relevant and not achievable.

I'll know better this season.


All-Star 1
When EA put this legend mandatory it basically means all rewards other than the 1st are simply not relevant and not achievable.
I'll bet there were people in Top 2500 this week that made Legend. And I'm willing to bet that this week will be even more frantic than last based on the possibility of getting an 87 (unless of course Kyrie is the only one possible and the others are still 85's).


Rookie 1
I finished in top 2500 but didnt receive my reward either. I sent them a message about it on their website ea.com through technical support, contact email option. They credited my acct with the 84ovr showdown player.


Rookie 3
I think the point here is again the misleading information. I as well thought that as long as you are on top 10000 you will get the reward regardless of your tier. If it is clearly mentioned in the in-game news or reward boards, then no one will get upset whatever they have accomplished. Good thing for me though that I am grinding for rep for holloween promo so hard that i end up in the top 100=)


Rookie 2
I finished in top 2500 but didnt receive my reward either. I sent them a message about it on their website ea.com through technical support, contact email option. They credited my acct with the 84ovr showdown player.

OK - I guess that worth trying.
Thanks for the tip


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