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Who do you guys see winning it all this year?

With the season starting, it’s time to start thinking the ultimate question: Which team will get it done? Assume if they do the east west thing again, I see Milwaukee making it out of the east with Miami being a real threat. As for the west, comes down to lakers and clippers, although teams like Houston, Denver might give them a little trouble. ultimately I see the clippers winning the series, in 7. Clippers vs bucks, NBA Finals, clippers in 6, with Kawhi winning yet another finals MVP and Paul George finally getting the ring he deserves after all these years. Comment down below


All-Star 3
Clippers have the team. but have to give the edge to the lakers because of lebron and AD. Dont know if clippers have a big to stop AD.
hoping for some upsets though. Harden and jokic have lost a ton of weight .. hopefully they come all guns blazing in the playoffs


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm not convinced the season will resume.
At this point I hope it doesn't the system they set up sounds really dumb and now with the 150 players or so that want to have the season canceled it will only make it take longer because then the players that want it to continue and the ones that want it to end will start fighting over it and probably cause the NBPA to delay the late July start and make the schedule even more messed up


Pro 2
is there a highlight of Joel or a C, getting a def rebound then passing it to a player and then the C rushes to the other end for another player to pass the ball and he catches it to throw down a dunk?
or did i just dream this all up


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