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Purchase Live Pass


Rookie 1
Hello all,

I started 3 days ago.
Is it worth it buying the live pass or it will expire soon? If not, for how long does they usually last?

Currently I am at 880 level earned from daily events. If i purchase the live pass will i receive all rewards up until that level or it iwll start from 0?

Please help!


Rookie 1
Live pass is monthly, it Will unlock the premium events..yes, you will receive prem benefits from 100 to 800 when you buy now..well, that was my experience. Bought pass at already 400 and ea gave all credits..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
When you buy it you will earn all the rewards for however many points you have but don't buy it because it is only worth it if you can get the master which this time would be Doncic but since you started late you would then pay $10 for some cash, 90 DeRozan, a jersey that is supposed to be power but is finesse, and a court that is supposed to be power but is strategic (unless they decided to break the mold they set by having the Bucks court/jersey/boost item match Giannis and the Nets court/jersey/boost item match Harden)
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All-Star 1
When you buy it you will earn all the rewards for however many points you have but don't buy it because it is only worth it if you can get the master which this time would be Doncic but since you started late you would then pay $10 for some cash, 90 DeRozan, a jersey that is supposed to be power but is finesse, and a court that is supposed to be power but is strategic (unless they decided to break the mold they set by having the Bucks court/jersey/boost item match Giannis and the Nets court/jersey/boost item match Harden)
They fixed the playstyle and boost on the Jersey and Court. The Mavs Jersey is actually worth it, elite Deadeye boost


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
They fixed the playstyle and boost on the Jersey and Court. The Mavs Jersey is actually worth it, elite Deadeye boost
The boost is fine but the playstyle isn't unless they changed things which is possible because there is a 90+ player for each lineup style that maybe they made an elite item for each style as well compared to the style matching from the previous 2 live passes


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