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my first video idea need help


Rookie 3
so it was a very busy month for me but now i am planning to focus on my goal of becoming a GC and get active on social media and interact with the community but guys i need a idea for my first video i am confused right now if you guys can tell me something about on what i should make my first video please tell me

if you want to see gameplay on any of these players please tell
88 james worthy
87 shawn marion
87 david robinson
86 terry porter
87 lou williams


Rookie 1
So gameplay could be cool but the thing is with those players - 87 williams is an impact player and his OVR will drop v soon and people may not use him then. The legends are prob not that interesting for most people and they?ll collect tokens and wait for legends later on maybe? 86 porter, lots of people will have sold for coins and maybe put him on bench? What about maxes elevate whiteside and/or Hayward?


Rookie 3
So gameplay could be cool but the thing is with those players - 87 williams is an impact player and his OVR will drop v soon and people may not use him then. The legends are prob not that interesting for most people and they?ll collect tokens and wait for legends later on maybe? 86 porter, lots of people will have sold for coins and maybe put him on bench? What about maxes elevate whiteside and/or Hayward?

Thanks for your suggestion bro


Rookie 1
Agreed - everyone has curry, concauction of whiteside or Hayward, 89 motumbo/tatum and then maybe compare one or two of the 90s. Kawhi to compare vs Tatum and someone like a Oladipo, just a suggestion!


Rookie 3
Goodluck becoming a gc savage. Hope you represent this community very well or just have fun doing it in case. Do you already have one video up and how we can view it?


Rookie 3
Goodluck becoming a gc savage. Hope you represent this community very well or just have fun doing it in case. Do you already have one video up and how we can view it?

i dont have a video up yet but i have recorded 2 videos 88 james worthy gameplay and top 10 pulls i will post the videos very soon


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