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Fully Trained RTTP Giannis 96ovr


Rookie 3
Staff member
I wanted this card so bad when it came out.

Was way too expensive..

Hows it play maxed out?


Rookie 1
I wanted this card so bad when it came out.

Was way too expensive..

Hows it play maxed out?

True but I luckily found him for 4m one day. I hate how they made it so damn expensive to train platinums. Just the coin price to level up is insane, the last level alone was 2.5m wtf. Hes a beast but like always it makes absolutely no difference on manual play from base to fully trained, it just boosts the AI's gameplay.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I wanted this card so bad when it came out.

Was way too expensive..

Hows it play maxed out?

True but I luckily found him for 4m one day. I hate how they made it so damn expensive to train platinums. Just the coin price to level up is insane, the last level alone was 2.5m wtf. Hes a beast but like always it makes absolutely no difference on manual play from base to fully trained, it just boosts the AI's gameplay.

Damn, 4 million is a good deal.. he was selling for 7 up until recently. Not sure now.

How much did it cost to do all 5 lvls?

Hi AI is quite good the few times I've gone up against him.


Rookie 1
I wanted this card so bad when it came out.

Was way too expensive..

Hows it play maxed out?

True but I luckily found him for 4m one day. I hate how they made it so damn expensive to train platinums. Just the coin price to level up is insane, the last level alone was 2.5m wtf. Hes a beast but like always it makes absolutely no difference on manual play from base to fully trained, it just boosts the AI's gameplay.

Damn, 4 million is a good deal.. he was selling for 7 up until recently. Not sure now.

How much did it cost to do all 5 lvls?

Hi AI is quite good the few times I've gone up against him.

I dont really remember all the levels exactly, I think it was like

1. 575k
2. 900k
3. 1.2m
4. 1.7m
5. 2.5m


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